Cell Banking and Cell Culture Services 

Cell Banking you can trust.

Your cell banks, maintained at an exceptional quality, available at your request. 

In-vitro cell cultures are a vital resource in scientific research & development. Their importance has increased in recent years due to an on-going focus to reduce animal testing and due to their usage in highly reproducible, high throughput, In vitro assays. Cell cultures are an excellent scientific tool however, maintaining a cell line in continuous or extended culture can increase the risk of contamination, research errors and inappropriate and costly research conclusions.

In collaboration with Cheshire based, life sciences start-up, Cryoniss we offer a complete cell banking package, from standard and customised cell banking to standalone quality control testing of cell lines/banks and Cryogenic storage. Outsourcing your cell banking and logistical needs to an expert, GLP complaint CRO ensures peace of mind. When you work with us, you get an end-to-end cell banking package, freeing up your in-house team to concentrate on their research.

Why outsource you cell bank?

As many as 31% of cell cultures used by laboratories are estimated to be contaminated with Mycoplasma and/or a second cell line. Working with an expert service provider to generate high quality cell banks helps to ensure the accuracy of your data and to de-risk research decision milestones within your organisation1.

Bank with us and receive:

  • The cell banks you need when you need them.
  • Peace of mind that all your cell banks are quality controlled in accordance with ATCC ASN-0002-2011
  • Hassle free Global transportation of samples and long term cryogenic storage.


Cell banking support at all stages 

We will work with you to coordinate a support option that meet your specifications and ensure the integrity of your precious cultures. Explore the options available in the below graphic.

Included in ATCC ASN-0002-2021 cell line quality control

  • STR profiling
  • Cell line authentication
  • Mycoplasma testing
  • Sterility testing
  • Pathogen detection
  • Post-thaw growth curve and visual cell sterility check 
  • Morphology check and accompanying image at 70% confluency
Perfectus Biomed Group, Now Part of NAMSA, excel in providing innovative science that improves lives. 
Customized Microbiology
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