We are excited to announce that Perfectus Biomed are now a GLP Compliant laboratory.
Following an Inspection for Compliance in October this year, we successfully demonstrated compliance with OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice and were accepted into the UK GLP Compliance Monitoring Programme.
What is GLP?
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is a quality control system of the processes and conditions under which non-clinical health and environmental studies are conducted, recorded, reported and archived. The GLP quality system uses a set of OECD principles to assure the quality and integrity of laboratory studies by harmonising testing procedures.
The Principles of GLP define the responsibilities of all personnel that operate within a GLP system, detailing:
- The minimum standards concerning the suitability of facilities and equipment
- The need for standard operating procedures
- Documentation of raw data
- Study reports
- Archiving of records
Examples of the types of testing that can be carried out under GLP include physical/chemical testing and toxicity studies. For information on the types of testing that we can offer, please contact us.
What this means?
As a GLP compliant testing laboratory, our facility and processes will be regularly inspected, which will include a review of:
- GLP quality systems
- an inspection of facilities
- an audit of completed and on-going studies
Key personnel involved in our GLP studies include test facilities management, study director, study personnel and quality assurance personnel. Their responsibilities are clearly defined by the Principles of GLP.
For further information on the GLP Principles, please visit the OECD website. To find out more about GLP, please click here.
Our Statement of GLP Compliance can be found here. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to know more.