New Standard Notification – ISO 4768:2023 the measurement of anti-biofilm activity on plastic and other non-porous surfaces was released this month.

This marks a key progressive step in anti-biofilm testing standards. The method is to support material development and test anti-biofilm activity. Perfectus Biomed Group, Now Part of NAMSA, have over 10 years’ experience in developing and adapting biofilm methods

This method is intended to be a screening test for material development, and it is not expected to reflect effects observed in the actual environment in which materials will be deployed. A “Crystal violet staining – Absorbance measurement assay” is used to quantify the amount of biofilm formation in this document.

At Perfectus Biomed Group, now part of NAMSA, we bring an expertise in customizable microbiology, viral and cell-based test methods, providing manufacturers with a different perspective when looking to bring innovation to market.

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