Dr Samantha Westgate was given the opportunity to represent Perfectus Biomed and share her business experiences with the next generation of female scientists at the recent Young Enterprise Lecture at Sci-Tech in Daresbury.
Samantha was asked to be the opening speaker at the event which was attended by 100 schoolgirls who were aged between 14-16 years.
The lecture outlined Dr Westgate’s own personal journey which took her from degree to Phd, and then onto consultancy before eventually owning her own business.
Recalling the event, Dr Westgate said, “It gave me the chance to show that there are alternative career paths open to people with a science background. The tendency is to go down a traditional route that leads to becoming a doctor or a vet, but there are many more opportunities available.”
Some of the alternative careers which were showcased ranged from Microbiologists and Nutritionists to Lecturers and Formulation Chemists. In addition, Dr Westgate showed how further education can lead towards rewarding careers in Law, Accountancy or becoming a Patent Attorney.
The advantage of having a science background in the business world is not missed by Dr Westgate. “Trying to explain complex scientific processes can be daunting in a business meeting if it’s not your chosen field. My background allows me to explain things in an accessible way which allows potential new clients to share my vision more quickly.”
The highs and lows of owning your own business were also put under the spotlight. From the stark realities of working long hours, no holidays and lack of job security to the highs that Perfectus Biomed have recently climbed, which saw them secure funding to the value of £100,000 from The North West Fund. The investment was sought by Perfectus in order to increase employee numbers and create a solid platform for further expansion.