
Biofilms – A Key World Issue

Biofilms – A Key World Issue Back to Basics - What is a Biofilm and How is it Formed? In the simplest terms, biofilms are formed when microorganisms, such as bacteria, yeast and fungi attach and proliferate on a surface. Once attached the microorganisms form and reside within a self-produced...

A look-back on 2021 at Perfectus Biomed Group

A look-back on 2021 at Perfectus Biomed Group From the whole team at Perfectus Biomed Group, we wish our valued clients, associates, and collaborators a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As we approach the end of 2021 we wanted to take the time to look back on the last year at Perfectus Biomed Group, and some...
Customized Microbiology
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